Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022: Guide and FAQ

Tallinn Coffee Festival  #TLNCF is getting close, fellow coffee aficionados. It means two days of enjoying the best beans, equipment and baristas in Estonia, and that’s quite a lot. Of course, the rest of Europe will also be here, but the focus is on Estonia and the Baltic neighbours. If you are new to this festival, our comprehensive guide will answer any questions you might want to ask about Tallinn Coffee Fest 2022. So, let’s get started!

What is the Tallinn Coffee Festival?

Tallinn Coffee Festival is a festival dedicated to coffee culture in Estonia. For two days, visitors can taste beans, see and buy equipment, cheer for the best baristas in the competitions, and learn all there is to learn about coffee in Estonia. The festival started in 2017, and has become one of the most popular festivals in Estonia. That doesn’t surprise us, given the amount of love Estonian people have for their cup of Joe. Estonian coffee culture is third-wave, more or less, but that doesn’t mean you will be drinking only coffee from micro lots. It will solely depend on what stand you will be visiting. For instance, last year, the EstoniaCoffee team had a lovely chat with ladies and gents from the Turkish embassy, while sipping strong (although a bit bitter) Turkish coffee, accompanied by some traditional snacks. But, of course, you will visit all the stands, won’t you?

Official Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 banner
(Official Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 banner)

Where will the Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 be held?

Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022, like many other Tallinn festivals, will be held in Tallinn Creative Hub, also known as Kultuurikatel. The unique complex hosts around 300 events with more than 200.000 visitors annually!!! Eight halls and 16 rooms will be crowded with baristas, equipment, visitors and some of the best beans you will ever taste in your life. This complex never ceases to amaze us with its beauty and uniqueness.

Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021 - private collection
Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021

Time and place

The festival will be held on Friday 2. September 11:00 – 19:00, and Saturday 3. September 11:00 – 18:00. The exact address is Tallinna Kultuurikatel, Põhja pst 27A. For your convenience, we added a link to Google Maps location. The location is very well connected to public transport lines, so we recommend you leave your car at home.

Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 schedule

The first day

11:00 – 17:40  Estonian Cupping Championship 2022

Competition area 0 floor

13:00 – 13:50  Panel discussion How is HoReCa doing? (EST)


Siim Liivamägi, Gustav Cafe board member

Erik Tammeleht, Restoran Rudolfi manager

Tarmo Kaljuvee, Surfcafe manager and Estonian Cupping Champion 2021

Competition area 0 floor

14:10 – 14:30  The new innovative coffee machineAeropush product launch from Paahde company

Ville Riikonen, Coffee Entrepreneur Aeropush.fi (ENG)

Competition area 0 floor

14:50 – 15:50  Licor43 Masterclass

Competition area 0 floor

17:00 – 17:40  Estonian Cupping Championship final and prize giving

Competition area 0 floor

The best picture we took in Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021

The second day

11:00 – 17:45  Estonian Latte Art Throwdown 2022

Competition area 0 floor

12:40 – 12:55  The new innovative coffee machineAeropush product launch from Paahde company

Ville Riikonen, Coffee Entrepreneur Aeropush.fi (ENG)

Competition area 0 floor

13.40 – 14.30  Licor43 Masterclass

Competition area 0 floor

15:40  Estonian Latte Art Throwdown 2022 semi-final 1

Competition area 0 floor

15:55  Estonian Latte Art Throwdown 2022 semi-final 2

Competition area 0 floor

16:10  Estonian Latte Art Throwdown 2022 3.-4. place

Competition area 0 floor

16:25 – 17:15  Estonian Latte Art Throwdown 2022 final and prize giving

Competition area 0 floor

(source: TLNCF official page)

Löfbergs truck at Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021
Löfbergs truck at Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021

How much will Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 cost us?

Let’s review the usual festival expenses, at least from the EstoniaCoffee team’s point of view.

Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 Tickets

The tickets are very affordable – 7 € per person. Children under 12 have free entrance, as long as they are accompanied by adults. You can buy them at the piletilevi web page, or at the venue. The tickets, not the children.

Coffee consumption

Well, it depends. Most of the stands will give you a free sample, but some will sell coffee at the usual Estonian prices. Expect to pay around 2.50 € for espresso, 3-4 € for a latte, and so on.

Turkish booth - Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021
Turkish stand – Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021


As usual, food trucks will be in the backyard, making sure visitors don’t die from all that caffeine. Expect poke bowls, hamburgers, kebabs, fries, and other comfort food that is tasty and easy to eat, so you can get back and drink more coffee. We’d say 10 € per person is the average meal cost. There is gonna be food inside, too. Expect cakes, cookies, bagels, banana breads and such. Who knows, maybe somebody will make some Italian cake that goes well with coffee.


The choice of beans in Tallinn Coffee Festival 2022 will be fabulous, as always. From industrial giants like Segafredo, Illy, Paulig and Lavazza to Estonian roasters, like Kokomo, Coffee People, The Brick, and many more. One of our favourites, the Latvian Rocket Bean roastery, will also be here. As for the price of the beans, the sky’s the limit. But good beans don’t come cheap, you know that.

Indonesian booth - Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021
Indonesian stand – Tallinn Coffee Fest 2021


Lots to see, and not much to buy, if you are not looking for pro equipment. Most stands offer the standard coffee equipment you can find in the cafes – grinders, AeroPress, Chemex and such – but don’t get your hopes high for festival discounts. If you are interested in merch, you will have a decent choice.


We shall see. At Tallinn Coffee Festival 2021, the only freebie we got was from Paulig. Not for our overwhelming popularity, that’s for sure. Every visitor got a small bag of coffee. Let’s hope this year goes better.

Paulig's stand at Tallinn Coffee Festival 2021
Paulig’s stand at Tallinn Coffee Festival 2021


The EstoniaCoffee team visited the Tallinn Coffee Festival in 2021, but our webpage was new, and we were still adjusting to living in Estonia. So, you didn’t get the article about Tallinn Coffee Festival 2021. That was totally our fault, and we promise it won’t happen again. This year, we will dedicate ourselves to this lovely festival, so our readers can get all the necessary info, and some fine pictures. In the meantime, visit Tallinn Coffee Festival official webpage to get the latest news. Go #TLNCF!!!

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